What do your contact center’s agent retention numbers look like? If you’re looking for a way to boost them, you should consider the advantages of cloud versus premise-based contact centers. A cloud contact center gives your agents the flexibility to work remotely, which can help improve their job satisfaction and their overall retention.
The Advantages of Cloud-Based Contact Centers
Cloud or virtual contact centers offer many benefits to customers and agents. For customers, they offer quick mobile assistance through multiple communication channels. With a cloud contact center, they can submit their problems as data through a mobile app, and then they can immediately switch over to a live agent. The agent receives the data the customer entered through the app, and they can begin resolving the problem as soon as they connect with the customer. This system prevents customers from waiting in time-consuming queues, so it increases customer satisfaction.
A virtual contact center’s greatest benefit for agents is how it allows them to work from anywhere, as long as they have an internet connection. This cloud solution allows them to perform their jobs while still keeping up with their everyday lives. If a team member cannot physically come to work, they can bring their work with them. Allowing your team members to work flexibly improves their work-life balance and job satisfaction.
Integrating a Virtual Contact Center Into Your Business
When you transfer from an on-premise solution to a cloud-based solution, you’ll have to find new ways to manage and motivate your contact center employees. You need to stay in contact with them, but you also need to give them the space to live their lives. One great way to manage your remote employees is to track their metrics through the cloud-based platform they use to contact customers. You can examine how long their calls last, how quickly they resolve customers’ problems, how many calls they take in a given time period, and many more metrics to measure their remote job performance. Monitoring their performance is a good way to make sure they perform good long-term remote work.
A virtual contact center’s greatest benefit for agents is how it allows them to work from anywhere, as long as they have an internet connection. This cloud solution allows them to perform their jobs while still keeping up with their everyday lives. If a team member cannot physically come to work, they can bring their work with them.
Implement Your Virtual Contact Center With Us
If you’re ready to boost your agents’ and your customers’ experiences through a virtual contact center, Affiliated Communications has the contact center solutions to help you make the transition. We also have a wide variety of other telecom solutions you can use to boost your business’s communications, such as hosted VoIP and network security. Whatever your telecom needs are, we can meet them.